Saturday 31 January 2015

That Time I Kind of Travelled the World Part 2: Paris.

Things went from good to GREAT when our plane rolled in and I saw that it too was covered in that fabulous pink cat (Hello Kitty for those who are just tuning in). We were travelling in styling! Rhings went from GREAT to EXCELLENTTAE when I discovered the Hello Kitty soaps, food, serviettes, aprons and even toliet paper that filled the plane. I even smuggled one of the 'Hello Kitty' pillow covers out when we arrived in Paris. And when I say SMUGGLED I mean I waited patiently until everyone else had left the plane to politely ask if there was any possibility that I could keep the pillow case that they were going to chuck out anyway.
Stepping out into the cool, crisp air and feeling the cold for the first time (well appart from in TAIPEI but it was nowhere near as cold there as it was in Paris) was so refreshing. I liked the way my breath foggered the air when I laughed. I laughed when I heard two men talking in French because it was then when I realised I had really made it, that it wasn't just a dream, THIS WAS REAL LIFE BABY. I tried tso hard to keep my eyes open in the taxi on the way to the city. The plan was to check in our luggage at the train station for the day and then spend the hours before we had to get on the overnight train to Venice at he Lourve.
"Let;s just go for a walk and see whre we end up" was probably not the best thing my mum could have said that day in Paris. However I enjoyed getting lost in those foreign streets even if we never even made it to the Lourve. Although, I stuck out like a sore thumb in my bright orange jacket an baggy keans. Nobody told me they wore everything skin tight and jet black. THEY WERE FASHIONABLE THOUGH AND OHMYGOD I DON'T EVEN CARE IF I SOUND CREEPY BY SAYING THAT PEOPLE WATCHING IN PARIS WAS AWESOME BECAUSE I DONT EVEN CARE EVERYONE WAS SO AMAZING LOOKING AND COOOOOOOOOOL.

That Time I Kind of Travelled the World Part 1: Taipei

We were in the car on our way to our famous 'meeting place' -a small Chinese resturant that does the best banquets in town- to catch up with my grandparents where we would do the old switcheroo. It was going to be me, my mum and my grandma going on what would be the greatest holiday yet!
I chose to do what I normally do in the car, just listen to the music and stare out of the window pretending to be in a heart-felt movie scen or music video as I stared out dramatically into the distance. That was until a little whisper broke my focus. "It says that your ticket must match your passpot name exactly, they won't let Amehka on the plane." My ticket had been printed with the wrong name on it.
After any unsuccesful phone calls we change course for the International Airport and my stomach grumbled in protest. After much protest, heart-felt sob stories, stomped feet, large hand-gestures and fluttering of the eyelashes, the asian man by the name of Jimmy made a 'comment' on my online ticket explaining that I was also known as this name and he reassured us that we "SHOULD BE" fine to get to Paris (that was where we were heading but with a stop-over in Taipei first). Coming home was another story... Jimmy was a top bloke. One day I want to be like Jimmy #JimmyforPresident.
On the plane to Taipei I got stuck with had the pleasure of sitting next to mum and my grandma (ma) goto stuck with "Nancy," an Asian lady who decided to adopt and look after my grandma, even blessing her for safe travels.
Once we arrivd we headed into the city. Ofcourse, the first place in Taipei we had to go was Starbucks where I had my first green tea cream frappecino which was amazeballs!! It was at this time that I decided it might have been just a little too cold outside for just a t-shirt and jeans as EVERYONE that walked past the window we were sitting in had more layers then an onion (Or an Ogre)
Before we had left Australia I had asked mym if it was cold in Taipei at this time of the year but she had assured me that it was just as hot as Australia. ao I just wore my Starwars T-shirt and my new Mink-Pink jeans. Little did I know that it was the middle of winter until I saw everyone walking around in dozens of layers. But where were all of my warm clothes? Getting loaded onto the next plane... Despite this, we headed off to a temple, chattering teeth and all.
Here are the photos from my very first day in another country. I was in love with Taipei and so excited to come back in just over a month!~

 Once it started to get dark we headed back to the airport where we enjoeyed the best dumplings and free wifi! I noticed that our boarding passes were covered in 'Hello Kitty" themed cartoons amd when we got to our gate I saw that so was everything else from the plastic seats to the themed playground that mum would let her almost 17-year-old daughter on. I mean what's with that?

LURVE LURVE LURVE TAIPEI and I hope you sort-of maybe thought this post was alright. TOODLES!

School's Out For Summer~School's Out For Ever

Although school wasn't blown to pieces (someone please tell me they understand the Alice Cooper reference), I did graduate which is just as good in my humble opinion. While most normal teenagers haul ass to the beloved Gold Coast for Schoolies week, three of my friends and I decided to try something different and chose a quiet spot to go camping. Another reason might have been that I wasn't allowed to go to the Gold Coast and I didn't have the money anyway BUT it did turn out to be an awesome week. We swam in the river everyday and ate toasted marshmellows every night. We had a pretty hectic game of Truth or Dare one night and I absolutely owned the UNO competition (well, I owned the UNO cards we were using anway). I almost stood on a snake, there were spiders the size of my hand, a turkey ate my food AND we took selfies with deers. I slept on a yogo matt for the week and can I just say 1/10 DO NOT RECOMMEND! One thing I do reccomend however is henna art. My friend and I bought some DIY henna art when we went into town one day and as a result, I spent hours drawing all of my arms and legs, I was happy with the results and posted some photos, so I would like to hear what you think of my slightly below average artistic skills. We also ended up making friends with some other schoolies kids that had the same idea as us so we had a little party each night with loud music and laser lights. I took my camera but silly me didn't charge it so it died after only a couple of days. However here are some of the photos we did manage to take:

Sorry if it's a lot of photos and not a lot of talk. It was so long ago now and I know I have to improve the quality of the writing in my posts but for the moment, I am just trying to catch up and sitll have a heap of things to post! I hope you enjoyed the chill vibes of this post.

Don't forget to follow my little blog because I would love to get some followers (pleasE) *BEGS*

Life Updates Are The Only Dates I Have

Hi again,

Long time no see.

Now I can explain, I of the end of November I finsihed highschool and was on HOLIDAYSSS but up until then I was working my butt off trying to finish school with some half-decent marks hence the lak of blog activity... The good news I must have done something right because in a couple of weeks I will be starting University and studying ENGINEERING (gulp). Once school finished I spent a week camping with my friends and then I was OFF TO EUROPE! For an entire month I explored Taipei, Venice, Rome, Milan, London and Paris and it was the best experience of my life! Most the photos are tourist-y ones but I will choose some of my favourites to post here V. soon.

This post is just a little update and I will try and post some more interesting (hopefully someone will find them interesting) things soon...

In the meantime, here is the sencond video I posted on my Youtube Channel from a while ago. I wish to make more soon but unfortuneately I am a little stumped on what to make videos about without just copying other people so if anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE COMMENT :)

Well that's all for now. Cheerio Lovelies <3